a technodelic sound sculpture
The Somacymatica is a mirror for your mantra. By sitting and toning at the center of a cymatic resonance sculpture, the power and beauty of the sacred geometry within your voice become apparent in a way never before possible.
"very immersive and 5-Meo DMT like"
- Andrés Gómez-Emilsson, Founder of The Qualia Research Institute
"This is the kind of technology that wakes people up."
- David England, Freelance Senior Technologist & Psychonaut
"This is the best implementation of feedback I've ever seen."
- Sam Chaney, Developer & Musician at StarMind Ceremony
"It's better than both the shower and the car for singing"
- Jamie Jack, Tool Lead at Fertile Grounds
"the somacymatica illuminated my past programming and encouraged me to reconstruct my outlook on my introverted, shy nature. Prior to experiencing the somacymatica's power, I was under the assumption that my timid nature prevented me from having an impact on the world around me.
Upon placing myself in the middle and on a suspended somacymatica, I began to ohm at the auditory level of my quietest mumble.
Immediately my body was overcome with a vibrational output that overloaded all of my cells and brought me into the dynamic center of my very essence."
- Erin O'Grady, Advanced Neuromuscular Therapist
1x 60 min exclusive in-person session offered in Berlin or if rented (see below)
With unique vibroacoustic sound technology we have developed over eight years, you get to hear and feel the frequency of your own voice, while seeing the patterns it creates in the water underneath you in real-time. You work with Fabiola Einhorn as a facilitator using sound, ohming, mantra and somatic modalities to harness your creative life-force and move through any blockers to your full liberation.
This is a novel experience guaranteed, and sometimes a psychedelic one that creates a peak-experience optimal for re-patterning and aligning the body-mind. Laugh, cry, sing on the Somacymatica. No particular experience is needed - in fact it's often the most powerful for people who experience no power in their voice at all.
Tried and tested with over 100 people
"I feel positively vibrating and buzzing with energy" - W.S.
"This facilitates the bottom-up processing, helping the intelligence of my body speak to my over-thinking brain. Very cool. I haven't seen technology do this for us yet" - F.R.
"I feel an increased sense of belonging" - E.M.
"I felt stressed and tense, now I feel relaxed and centered" - A.S.
"Wow. I feel empowered in my voice and emotions" - Z.E.
"It helped me integrate deep grief and trauma" - J.F.
"I feel I got a nervous system reset" - A.I.
"Wow. What a powerful way to meet myself at a deeper level" - A.D.
"I met God!" - J.W.
Fabiola Einhorn
Aaron Benavides & Sam Chaney
Bobby McDonald
Joshua Jackson & Sam Chaney
A technological device that is proven to awaken and enhance the endogenous psychedelic states within you. I see breathwork, voice and visualization techniques as equally powerful technology to tap into plastic states of the body-mind.
Etymologically from Greek sōma ‘body’ in the west, in Vedic tradition it's seen as the "nectar of immortality" that resides within every one of us and can be accessed via practice. In a Somacymatica session, we use a blend of yogic practice and somatic experiencing to harness your creative life-force from the bottom up.
The science and phenomena of sound moving in matter. You might have seen sound making waves in water, but imagine this happening in our bodies that consist of around 60% water.
Stacie Andrews, Geoffrey Krum & Fabiola Einhorn

"The somacymatica allowed me to find strength in the softest parts of my soul, and understand how drastic of an impact my softest ohm could leave on me, if no one else. Upon further observation, I realized that it had that same effect on an audience with a louder voice.
This project truly elucidates how powerful sound is on our body, mind, and spirit."
- Erin O'Grady, Advanced Neuromuscular Therapist
Want the Somacymatica at your event?
This project has vast applications; from music performance,1-1 sessions, group sessions in workshops, spa applications, pure play, and art installation. The piece is 120X120X20 cm and can be transported to rent for your retreat, conference accompanied by a talk, event or festival.
Larger versions and custom designs for group experiences are available for pre-sale and commission.
Email hello@fabiolaeinhorn.com for inquiries.
The Somacymatica team is looking for a key partner to bring it out to the world. If you're interested, it would light us up to connect with you over a free call below. If you're an organization, VC or investor in the mental health, art or adjunct space your support would make many people happy.
One day in 2017, the vision of the Somacymatica revealed itself to Fabiola Einhorn during an ancient yogic meditation practice, a sacred technique shared only orally from yogi to yogi in the past hundreds of years.
Accelerating the pathways of this technique, the Somacymatica is in a sense, ancient technology brought to the 21st Century. Offered as a 1-1 session with Fabiola Einhorn as a guiding practitioner in combination with breathwork, mantra, and somatic modalities, it invites those who feel ready into experiencing holotropic states of consciousness, a shift in perspective, and an amplified mirror of the states that already live within.
What makes the Somacymatica truly unique is its ability to bridge psychedelic, somatic and vibro-acoustic therapy in a playful yet controlled manner, applicable to a wide range of users during all stages of the healing journey, or to performance artists as a second or third instrument. Even kids have fun with it!
Want it at your event, or are you
interested in joining as a partner?
Or say hello@fabiolaeinhorn.com.