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👯‍♀️ The pleasurehacker initiate

  • 21 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


Would you like to harness erotic power to access flow states, expand your pleasure, achieve creative wealth and prosperity? If so, this course is for you! Imagine yourself … 🥋 Re-patterning your relationship to sexual energy, and learning how to direct this powerful energy to live in your desired reality, instead of having it control, shame or drain you. 🌹 Feel beautiful, balanced and powerful confidence from the inside out in a way that allows you to show up in your centered, full expression. 🌟 Expanding your soul with ancient yogic practice and philosophy that allows you to feel deeply nourished with life force energy in every cell of your body by up-leveling your self-care routine. Walk away with: 🍆 The foundational practices to experiencing non-ejaculatory orgasms, kundalini awakenings, and becoming a masterful lover. ⚔️ The most powerful arsenal of somatic healing practices, from a tantric expert with a flawless track record in the tangible results clients get. ⚗️ Transmutation practices that teach you how to turn anger, sadness, or any other suppressed emotion or negative self-talk into gold nuggets of wisdom to live your best sovereign life. 💦 A toolkit to turn your masturbation practice into a meditation practice, that caters to your pain points and desires and allows you to start using pleasure as a healing tool. ❤️‍🔥 Guided audio meditations to use in your daily practice for embodied liberation in your everyday life. With one tap, access the most powerful tools bridging biohacking, tantra, IFS and somatic trauma healing, all with pleasure, at your own pace, to honor your body from a holistic standpoint. Each practice is form 10-30 min long, broken into 4 modules. I've worked hard the past two years to make these profound wisdom teachings accessible and tangible to you. With love, grace & power, Fabiola Einhorn 🌺

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



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